Dear friends, allow us to provide you with some basic information about our company. K-SERVIS PRAHA, a.s. has secured its strong position in the global market in the trade of dried fruits and nuts. With a touch of exaggeration, it can be said that apart from the Arctic and Antarctic regions, our business partners are represented on all continents around the world.
K-SERVIS PRAHA, a.s. is an IFS-certified company, a certification we defend every year. The quality of the goods and raw materials we supply is and must be the top priority. The management strives to ensure that when customers hear the name K-SERVIS PRAHA, they associate it with quality raw materials and excellent service.
Company K-SERVIS PRAHA, a.s. with registered office at K Vypichu 503, 252 16, Nučice, ID: 26418711, is registered in the Business Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, section B, file 6919. Company's share capital is CZK 21,200,000.00
K-SERVIS PRAHA, a.s. is, as the managing company, part of the concern, further formed by CORATEX a.s. in the position of a controlled person.